Sunday, January 25, 2009

Don't Go--Ivory

don't go quite yet
don't leave this love that we have had

I wonder what it is to be in love. I know everyone wonders the same and wants it but I think my reasons may be different? I don't know actually but for now I will assume that they are different. 

Like everyone else, I would like to find real love one day. I know people want it to be everlasting true love and whatnot but I don't care if it is everlasting for me. Granted, I would love for it to be everlasting because that would be quite amazing. For me, I would like for it to be true love but of it has to end then so be it. What I am saying is that if it has to be true love for a week then so be it. If it had to have a time limit on it, I want it to last enough for me to realize that I truly love the person and that I have the memories of that true love to take to my grave. Cliche and whatnot, I know but just thoughts. I still would like that everlasting love though. 
It would be devastatingly heartbreaking for me if I had that time limit but when I look at the bright side, at least I have the memories with me. I know what it felt like to be in love and I could relish in those memories forever. I just want to know what it is to be in true love. I know that I say love is overrate but that doesn't mean I hate love. 

Maybe because when I think about true love I think of opening every nook and cranny (in a literal sense) of myself to the person. And we all know that I don't open all the way. 
Maybe I just want that sense of vulnerability because I know I won't be judged in return because that person loves me. 
Either way, it's going to be me. 

Not to quote Mandy Moore of course. 
I just want to feel that someone in the world truly, deeply cares for me. I just want to know that someone is going to hold my hand for when I have to be in the darkness. 
I don't even have friends to guide me, pathetic life I lead huh?
Not really, I don't think my life is pathetic.
A persons life doesn't not have to consist of friends, just one person you can truly rely on. 
I just want someone there with me. 
I'd rather have a faithful significant other than all the friends in the world. 
Even if it is for a moment. 

Je t'aime de tout mon coeur. 

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